Articles for topic: Menopause


Oestrogen-Boosting Foods

Many women need to avoid oestrogen because of family risk of hormonal cancer, but these foods can give you a natural, non-hormonal, boost.


Your Guide to Menopause – What to Expect

Menopause is an inevitable, and natural, stage of life but it helps to know how it can affect you.


Identifying the Top 10 Causes of Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

At perimenopause increased bleeding can become more common as oestrogen dominance and hormone imbalance start being experienced. Knowing why it is happening, and what you can do about it, can make a lot of difference.


The Three Main Reasons Why Women Get Hot Flushes

Hot flushes are the most common complaint for women going through menopause. Find out what’s behind them and why they occur.


Sex and the Menopause

Your libido and interest in sex can change at menopause, for both physical and emotional reasons.


How Your Vagina Changes as You Age

Once you get close to menopause it doesn’t look or function the same as it did when you were younger.


Menopause: 11 Things Every Woman Should Know

Do you have questions about menopause? Look no further.


Facing Up To Fibroids

Prevention is the best option, so tackling oestrogen dominance is the first step because fibroids are produced by excess oestrogen and their growth is stimulated by it.


Post Menopause – Does That Mean No More Symptoms?

Are you still suffering from hot flushes well after you thought Menopause was over? Here are some of the reasons why.


What You Need To Know About Menopause

The subject of menopause can be confusing, so here are the most important things you need to know about it.
