Articles for topic: Menopause


Conquer Candida Naturally

If this is a common occurrence for you, then here is some timely advice on how to deal with it naturally.


Menopause And Bladder Infections

Bladder infections, or cystitis, are bacterial infections which unfortunately are all too common at menopause. Hormone balance plays a part, but you can help yourself as well.


Headaches And Hormones – What’s The Link?

Headaches can have a number of causes, and it really helps to know what is triggering them in you.


Forgetfulness That Could Just Be Your Age Not Your Hormones

We are all forgetful from time to time, and as we age that can become worse, so check the signs that indicate a problem.


12 Ways To Cut Down Trips To The Toilet 

If you have a sensitive bladder some of these everyday items may be making it worse.


Is Menopause Making You Feel Sick?

You may be sick of the menopause, but could it actually really be making you sick?


Which Stage Of Menopause Are You In?

Are you confused about what your symptoms may mean? Here’s how to find out what stage of menopause you may be in.


All You Need To Know About Peri/Menopause

There can be some confusion with hormonal symptoms as to whether you are in peri menopause or not, so this may help.


High blood pressure puts women at risk of dementia

A report in The Times newspaper headlined this potential health risk for women who already have high blood pressure.


Why Do Women Get Brain Fog?

It is common at menopause, and hormonal balance is certainly important, but there are other factors that can also affect your memory.
