Articles tagged with: Menopause



The Pill and Menopause

Many women use hormonal birth control at menopause for a variety of reasons, such as heavy bleeding, but they can affect menopause symptoms and have their own side effects.


Eat yourself Beautiful!

Menopause takes quite a toll on our skin, so here are some helpful tips from top nutritionist Patrick Holford to keep it looking good.


Menopause – What You Need To Know About Your Options

How much do you know about this important life transition?


What’s The Truth About Menopause?

We may think we know all about menopause, but you might be surprised by some of the information here. Being prepared is always the best way forward.


Menopause and Weight Gain

Why hitting menopause can suddenly cause extra weight is not a mystery and you can do something to help reduce it.


Progesterone Helps Flushes In Post Menopausal Women

More women are experiencing hot flushes post menopause and the good news is that progesterone really does make a difference to your symptoms, whatever your age.


Which Stage Of Menopause Are You In?

Are you confused about what your symptoms may mean? Here’s how to find out what stage of menopause you may be in.


All You Need To Know About Peri/Menopause

There can be some confusion with hormonal symptoms as to whether you are in peri menopause or not, so this may help.


10 Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight

Are you finding it hard to shift those extra pounds? Here are some suggestions you may not have thought of in relation to your weight.


More Ways To Help Menopause Symptoms

When trying to help hormone balance there are some simple steps that help ease the transition through menopause.
