Articles tagged with: diet



How Eating Out Can Disrupt Your Hormones

Eating out is a pleasure, but it can increase exposure to ‘hormone disruptors,’ and that is critical for women.


Top Foods For A Healthy Thyroid

Many women suffer from low thyroid and are on medication for the condition, but it can also be helpful to use your every day diet to keep it healthy.


Worried About Osteoporosis? Avoid A High Protein Diet

A link has been made between a diet high in animal protein and a loss in bone density in older women.


Is Sugar Making You Tired?

Are you always feeling tired? Could it be the sugar in your diet that is responsible?


Why Women May Get Gout At Menopause

Gout is no laughing matter, as any sufferer can tell you, but you may be surprised to learn that for women the risk increases at menopause.


Health Boosting Recipes For Midlife & Beyond

If you are looking for some interesting recipes to boost your health at menopause then The Midlife Kitchen could give you some ideas.


6 Foods To Keep Your Brain Healthy

Brain freeze is very common at menopause, but you may already have a solution in your fridge or store cupboard.


How Every Day Drinks Can Ruin Your Diet & Your Health

Carbonated and sweetener filled drinks are not going to help you lose weight, but are linked to increased risk for heart disease and Alzheimer’s.


7 Heart Healthy Food Swaps

At menopause women are more at risk of heart disease, but there are some simple menu swaps that can make a difference to your heart’s health.


The Best Superfoods For Women

Your diet can definitely make a difference to your health. Foods that can bring protection from breast cancer, osteoporosis and heart disease definitely need paying attention to.
