Articles for topic: hormones


The Four Main Reasons Why Women Get Hot Flushes

Hot flushes are the most common complaint for women going through menopause. Here are some of the reasons why!


How Menopause Affects Women At Work

When you are sweating, flushing and enduring brain fog and mood swings then work can be a nightmare. An Australian report shows women need more support.


Top 3 Ways to Help Thinning Hair

Thinning hair is often seen at menopause, and from a variety of causes. These are the key elements that can help minimise or reverse it.


BPA In Plastics Linked To Breast Cancer Tumour Growth

We live in a sea of plastics from cooking to drinking and many household objects. But this very handy material carries some real health dangers for women.


Why Chocolate Is Good For Your Heart

Easter means chocolate, and although progesterone is heart protective you can help yourself twice over with a dark chocolate egg!


5 Top Tips For Getting The Most From Your Hormone Cream

Whether a first time user, or already convinced of the value and benefit of using bioidentical hormones, there are a few simple rules that will help you get the most out of your cream.


Yoga May Help Sleep At Menopause

Progesterone helps with sleep at menopause as many women report, but yoga can also make a difference.


Depression At Menopause And Why Drugs May Not Be The Answer

Menopausal symptoms can be helped in a variety of ways from bioidentical hormones to herbs. Depression is a common experience but are antidepressants the whole story?


Post Menopause An Increased Risk of Breast Cancer With Hypertension Drugs

High blood pressure is common as we age, but long-term use may pose a problem for older women. Progesterone supports both blood pressure and breast health so supplementing may be the answer.


3 Ways To Avoid The Oestrogen Dominance Affecting Men and Women

Both men and women are at risk when environmental and lifestyle factors expose them to excess oestrogen.
