Articles for topic: hot flashes


Why Do Women Get Hot Flushes?

You may think flushes are just confined to menopause, but there can be other reasons too.


13 Reasons Why Hot Flushes Are Not The Only Cause Of Your Sweats

Did you know how many things can cause you to heat up and flush?


5 Simple Solutions For Hot Flushes

Bioidentical hormones can really help you get control of your flushes and night sweats, but these everyday tips will make a difference too.


Progesterone Helps Flushes In Post Menopausal Women

More women are experiencing hot flushes post menopause and the good news is that progesterone really does make a difference to your symptoms, whatever your age.


How Natural Progesterone Can Help You Sleep at Menopause

Having trouble sleeping? There can be a number of reasons but natural progesterone aids sleep as new research shows.


The Three Main Reasons Women Get Hot Flushes

Hot flushes are the most common complaint for women going through menopause. Here’s why they occur.


Cool Images Can Ease Hot Flushes

Hot flushes can strike at any time, so if you don’t have a fan handy then this simple tip might help.


Hot Flashes Don’t Respond to Flaxseed But It Has Other Health Benefits

Hot flashes are the bane of many women’s lives during menopause and breast cancer but it seems this natural food has not proved helpful specifically, but don’t rule it out as a healthy supplement.


5 Simple Solutions For Hot Flushes

Bioidentical hormones can really help you get control of your flushes and night sweats, but these everyday tips will make a difference too.


Some Extra Help For Hot Flushes

There is no doubt that one of the most aggravating, and sometimes annoyingly persistent, symptoms of menopause are those dratted hot flushes and night sweats. A combination of bioidentical natural hormones and key changes to diet and lifestyle can make all the difference to coping with them.
