Articles for topic: hormones
How the Pill Switches Off Hormones and Why That Matters
Women do get confused between the synthetic progestins in the Pill and the natural hormone progesterone. This article helps to explain why it’s important to know the difference.
Twice The Risk of Earlier Menopause With Hysterectomy In Younger Women
This was first commented on by Dr John Lee at one of his seminars in London many years ago, but how could it affect you?
What You Need To Know About Endometriosis
Heavy bleeding can occur at any point in our hormonal life, but its important to have it investigated and find out just what is causing it.
3 Chemicals in Food Disrupt Hormones & Promote Obesity
You may be careful about the food ingredients you use, but you have no control over these chemical additives in everyday items.
Pine Pollen – Boosts Testosterone and Balances Hormones
Testosterone levels in both men and women are linked to our sex drive and naturally increasing the levels can help with progesterone, and some Pine Pollen.
Your Hormones Affect Your Moods!
Low progesterone helps with anxiety and mood swings so knowing when you are vulnerable could help you cope better when they strike.
Headaches And Hormones – What’s The Link?
Headaches can have a number of causes, and it really helps to know what is triggering them in you.
Is Menopause Making You Feel Sick?
You may be sick of the menopause, but could it actually really be making you sick?
Do You Have A Hormone Imbalance?
Whatever your age, your hormones can get out of balance. These are some of the signs to look out for.
Soft Drinks Linked To 72% Increased Risk For Endometrial Cancer
Excess oestrogen and hormone imbalance are associated with endometriosis and endometrial cancer. Diet plays an important role in staying healthy and if you are oestrogen dominant, and love carbonated drinks, you may have increased your risk factor.