Articles tagged with: stress



How Your Diet Can Help Relieve Stress

Are you like the swan, calm on top but paddling hard to stay afloat?


Effective Ways to Cope With a Panic Attack

We are living in stressful times, so our rates of anxiety rise and it’s best to know how to deal with a potential problem.


Tips To Lower Your Blood Pressure

If your blood pressure is high, your doctor may prescribe medication but the lifestyle decisions you make each day play a key role too.


Wired and Tired Post Covid? The Nutrition Connection

If you’re feeling anxious, you are not alone. Nutritionist Patrick Holford shares how you can help yourself.


Menopause and Weight Gain

Any weight gain can be a concern, but when it’s round your middle you need to take action.


Hot Flushes – All In Your Head?

Women are occasionally still told that menopause symptoms are ‘all in their head’ but a study provides the first new insights into how they may indeed arise in the brain. You can’t think them away, but bioidentical hormones can help.


Why Do You Eat When You’re Not Hungry?

Eating when you don’t need to, or want to, may have a number of explanations.


Anxiety and Stress – What’s The Difference?

They may be linked, but which is affecting you?


10 Surprising Reasons for Weight Gain

You may put it down to ‘just the menopause’ but these other causative factors may surprise you.


5 Mindfulness Ways To De-Stress

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy suggests Mindfulness to help with stress. These simple tips help you do that.
