Solution From The Sea for Deteriorating Bones

There are a number of suggestions for helping bones to heal including bioidentical natural hormones, herbs and supplements, but this one from scientists at the University of Florida could be the strangest yet.


I don’t think it will ever replace natural progesterone for bone strength and health, but the scientists have identified a substance in the bacterium of some varieties of coral reef in Key Largo that helps heal injured and deteriorating bones, as well as preventing bone loss and degradation.

How can it help?

It seems that largazole, the key component, is an effective bone remedy with lots of potential and is also an effective anti-cancer treatment, according to earlier research. This is not such a new idea as you might think. Reports indicate that components similar to largazole are already used in a variety of popular medications. Bacteria containing such substances come from various trees, plants, soil, and animals. But the recent discovery of the substance in the coral reefs of Key Largo offers added potential as scientists were able to identify key cell regeneration properties in this particular variety of the substance that were previously unknown.

Largazole’s ability to reprogram cells can also be exploited for tissue regeneration, and extensive testing on its ability to regenerate bones came up with some amazing findings. Largazone initiates the process of osteogenesis in the body, which is when the body begins not only to repair damaged bones but also to grow new bone tissue. At the same time as it performs this function, largazole also prevents bones from breaking down and being reabsorbed back into the body. The implications of this dual effect are highly promising for people who suffer from bone fractures, osteoporosis, and other bone diseases.

It is still a long way off from being an effective solution, but certainly adds to the knowledge bank we are acquiring on dealing with bone degradation and osteoporosis.
