Exercises to Boost Bone Health

Whether you already have osteoporosis, or a risk of it, this advice will help.


This condition affects over 3 million people in the UK with more than 500,000 receiving hospital treatment for fragility fractures every year.

Clearly the more you can do to help prevent this condition the better, and certainly hormone balance is the first line of defence. Progesterone is key for building new bone and osteoporosis for clearing away old bone but this advice will give you tools to help yourself too.

How exercise helps

Being active is powerful medicine for people with osteoporosis. It helps slow bone loss and builds stronger muscles to support you so you’re less likely to fall or break a bone.

But not just any workout will do. If you’re able, you should do things that strengthen your muscles and mix in some weight-bearing exercises.

What is weight-bearing exercise?

This just means your feet and legs support you as you move. As gravity puts stress on your bones, it causes new bone tissue to form and makes bones stronger.

These exercises include any you do while standing. If you have severe osteoporosis or have already had a broken bone or fracture, some activities may be risky.

Talk to your doctor before starting any new exercise to make sure it’s right for you.

Work with weights

This will build bone and strengthen your muscles at the same time. Aim to focus on each major muscle group twice a week with at least 1 day of rest in between.

If you’re new to lifting weights, check with your doctor first, and work with a trainer to learn the right form.

Dance your way to stronger bones

This is a well-rounded workout and certainly. my exercise choice. Whoever invented Zumba Gold gets my vote for an easier class with music aimed at the over 50’s!

Dancing gets your heart going and keeps you on your feet, making your heart, muscles, and bones stronger. And if you dance with a partner and need to remember specific steps and moves, it’s also a workout for your brain.


When you carry a watering can, pick up debris, and do other garden tasks, you build strength. These activities aren’t right for everyone with osteoporosis, though.

Most spine fractures happen while you’re bending forward. If you enjoy gardening, do your best to keep your spine straight and don’t twist at your waist. Also, be careful how you lift things, and don’t try to carry anything too heavy.

 Brisk walking

If you’re able to walk at a brisk pace — even for short periods — your bones will benefit, and it’s good for your heart, too.

Three short walks a day are as good as one long one. If you’re worried about hazard such as pavement cracks or other things that might make you trip, a treadmill would work as well too.


High-impact classes will strengthen bones that can handle the force. Low-impact ones are a safer choice for people with severe osteoporosis.

And no-impact classes, like water aerobics, may be best if you’ve already had a fracture.


This is excellent because it builds muscle and gives your heart and lungs a great workout. BUT because the water holds you up, it doesn’t make your bones stronger.

Swimming can be a good option when severe osteoporosis or arthritis makes weight-bearing exercise too risky.


Don’t be fooled by its gentle nature. Besides helping with your posture and flexibility, it makes your bones stronger, too.

But some poses, especially forward bends, may not be suitable for people with osteoporosis. Ask your doctor or tell your yoga teacher if you already have osteoporosis and check whether you should skip any particular exercises.

Improve your balance

It’s important to be steady on your feet when you have osteoporosis so you can lower your risk of falls and breaks.

Tai chi can help with this, and it can strengthen your legs, too. A physical therapist can show you other exercises to help with balance.

How often should you exercise?

To boost bone health, do weight-bearing activities like walking or dancing at least 4 days a week. Aim for 30 minutes if you’re able — you can divide the time up into chunks of 10 or 15 minutes.

At least twice a week, add in exercises that build muscle. And don’t forget to stretch regularly.

Get a routine

You can do your bones a favour by making small changes to everyday life. Walk instead of drive, choose the farthest parking spot at the supermarket, or take the stairs instead of the lift.

Check with your doctor if you have any questions about which activities are safe for you.

Helpful information: 

Prevention is always the best plan, but if you know you are vulnerable to osteoporosis these would be good tactics to adopt to help reduce the risk.

Hormone balance is also key as progesterone is the hormone that helps build bone so you need good levels to maintain bone strength.
