Articles tagged with: breast cancer



3 Myths About Bioidentical HRT And Cancer Risks

If you want a more in-depth look at why bioidentical hormones are safe for use with cancer, then here is some of the available research.


Dietary Help For Breast Cancer

We are all so much more conscious of how much influence a good diet has on our health, and particularly when it comes to breast cancer.


Combined HRT May Increase Breast Cancer Risk

There are many different types of HRT but combination types, where there is both oestrogen and a synthetic progestin, can increase breast cancer risk.


7 Key Signs to Look For In Breast Cancer

It is a regular part of most women’s routine to check their breasts for lumps or anything out of the ordinary at least once a month. The faster you identify a problem, the better your chance of successful treatment.


Why 5 Years Is The Maximum Recommended Time For HRT

Guidelines on long term HRT use confirm increased health risks particularly for cancer, heart attack and strokes. Bioidentical hormones have no such risk and are effective for menopausal symptoms.


Why Women On HRT Should Eat More Parsley and Celery

Not just women on HRT either, because a study has found that a compound in parsley and other plant products can stop certain breast cancer tumor cells from multiplying and growing.


Why HRT Prescribing Has Fallen in the last 5 years

A study undertaken at Stanford University in California found that women who take HRT for more than five years double their risk of suffering breast cancer for every 12 months they spend taking it.


New Study Confirms Oestrogen And Breast Cancer Link

Increased weight means increased oestrogen, so a new report shows that losing weight will boost your chances of beating breast cancer, but what about the protective role of bioidentical progesterone?


New Study Confirms Oestrogen And Breast Cancer Link

Increased weight means increased oestrogen, so a new report shows that losing weight will boost your chances of beating breast cancer, but what about the protective role of bioidentical progesterone?


How Progesterone Is Beneficial – Facts, Not Fiction

Women from puberty to post menopause use bioidentical hormones and know the benefits, and here two private GP’s with many years experience give their views.
