Stress And Hormones – Keep Calm And Follow My Top 3 Practical Tips
Are you feeling more stressed and anxious than usual? Menopause symptoms are made worse by stress, but there are some simple steps you can take to reduce and take control of it.

We all have times in our lives when stress is greater, whether that is due to the symptoms of menopause or something that is happening in our daily lives. It is common to dismiss stress, but anyone who has suffered it and seen the effect on many bodily functions, including hormone balance, know it is all too real.
Stress puts our body into fighting mode so it goes first to deal with the most urgent symptoms, and to the body irrational moodiness or hot flushes are just not urgent – however much you might think so!
Hot flushes in particular are very vulnerable to stress which is why it is a good idea to increase your dosage of bioidentical progesterone cream when stressed. This is because stress leads to adrenal fatigue and some hormone disruption and the essential stress hormone cortisol is made from progesterone and you want to have good levels of it.
That’s why it helps to give your progesterone levels a boost to help you cope better when stressed.
3 Simple Tips To Help You Cope:
I am certainly no stranger to stress myself, and so I wrote a book to help others cope with it. These are my top tips on how to reduce your stress load:
I know – easier said than done – but really you need to take a good look at what is stressing you and find a way to handle it. You may need to postpone changes in your living situation, reduce the pace of change in your life or cut down on your social, work or school obligations.
Key tip: learn to say “No” more often – if this is hard for you then think of it not saying no to someone else, but saying yes to yourself.
There are several ways you can do this but a good start is with your diet. When stressed we turn to things that comfort us, but they are not always the things that will keep you at maximum health to help your body cope with the additional strains that stress puts upon it.
Make sure your diet supports, and doesn’t drain, you. That means stabilizing your blood sugar with more complex carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, rice and increasing your intake of fruit and vegetables. Don’t get dehydrated; drink plenty of water but reduce your intake of stimulants such as coffee, tea and alcohol.
Help yourself by taking vitamin B complex and C – they are not known as ‘the stress vitamins’ for nothing! Good levels will help you deal with stress better, and Rescue Remedy either a few drops neat on the tongue, or put into a glass of water and sipped through the day is a good way to reduce your feelings of anxiety.
Hormone balance is critical, particularly if you are oestrogen dominant as many women are at menopause. Increase your progesterone levels to give your mood a boost and don’t keep your feelings to yourself: talk to a close friend, family member or therapist.
Key tip: make sure to prioritise your own wellbeing, ‘me first’ doesn’t come naturally to women but if you don’t do this then no one else will!
No matter how busy you are, there is going to a window where you can find time for yourself in each day – even if it is only 15 minutes – think of it as a relaxation break rather than a tea break.
What you do matters less than the ‘appointment’ you make with yourself to make time for your time. It may be a hobby you already enjoy, or you might decide explore something new that will absorb you or simply listen to relaxation tapes or music that takes you out of your everyday world.
For many, meditation works well, or if you need something more physical then yoga or Tai Chi can have the same effect.
If you find it hard to relax then many women find bioidentical natural progesterone helps to relax them, and of course it does help sleep and that is often the first casualty when we are stressed.
Key tip: accept that you have a right to take time just for you. Don’t put off relaxing until ‘later’ as later never comes.
Helpful information:
It is unfortunately true that stress affects everything in your body, and that certainly includes your hormones. You can often find that your menopause symptoms become more severe and you may need an additional dosage of bioidentical hormones to help redress the balance.
If you are experiencing increased anxiety and mood swings or are finding your skin is dry and you need a little additional oestrogen then you may well find that a combination cream will be more helpful.
If you are not sure which hormones you need then this article may be helpful.