Reduce Your Osteoporosis Risk Naturally

New research shows alkaline foods and supplements such as bioidentical natural progesterone can build strong bones and help with osteoporosis.


The popularity with the medical profession of biphosphonate drugs such as Fosamax continues, despite the known side effects and health risks associated with it. These include digestive problems oesophageal ulceration and it also increases the risk of arterial fibrillation. These drugs can slow down the breakdown of bone, but they do not help or stimulate the buildup of new bone as is done by bioidentical natural progesterone.

The research, headed by Professor Reto Krapf of the University of Basel, involved a randomized double blind, placebo controlled study of 201 men and women, all over the age of 65. The research subjects received either a supplement of potassium citrate or a placebo in addition to calcium and vitamin D supplements. The results showed that those who received potassium citrate in addition to calcium and vitamin D had significantly stronger bones with better mineral density and strength in many areas of the skeleton, including the lumbar spine.

The focus for the research was the belief that our Western diet, which is naturally high in acid rather than alkaline foods, may adversely impact the skeleton by disrupting calcium metabolism.  Another recent study – this one published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research by researchers at Johns Hopkins University- also concluded that potassium citrate “has the potential to improve skeletal health.”

The role of progesterone

Osteoporosis means that the bone is not as strong as it should be and there is therefore an increased risk of fractures.

Bone is a living tissue and, like all living tissues in the body, it is constantly being built up and broken down. As bone cells age, other cells called osteoclasts break them down which leaves minute holes in the bone. These holes are then filled up with new bone by cells called osteoblasts. For these cells to be able to build up new healthy bone it is essential that there is a normal hormone balance in the body, adequate amounts of progesterone and that your diet or supplements are supplying the correct nutrients.

Slowing down bone loss is only one side of the story: bone also needs to be built up and this process goes on throughout our lives, provided we have adequate levels of natural progesterone to help the body do so.

As bone cells age, other cells called osteoclasts break them down which leaves minute holes in the bone. These holes are then filled up with new bone by cells called osteoblasts. For these cells to be able to build up new healthy bone it is essential that there is a normal hormone balance in the body, and that your diet or supplements are supplying the correct nutrients. own again, provided that the hormonal and nutritional balance is correct.

Bone retains its ability to build up as well as break down throughout life which means that even if you are diagnosed with osteoporosis, or shown to be at risk of developing osteoporosis, you can build up new bone and reverse the condition.

What you can do to help yourself

Hormone balance means having an adequate amount of progesterone to help build new bone, but there are also other things you can do. It is important to have regular load bearing exercise, and a diet that is rich in fruit and vegetables that naturally have high mineral citrate content (including potassium citrate). Raw rather than cooked is best so include bananas, oranges and other citrus fruits, apricots, melons, and tomatoes.

Adequate amounts of vitamins D and K are essential and  most diets are lacking in them. We get vitamin D from sunlight, so winter is not the best time to stock up, so increase the amount of vitamin rich foods such as oily fish like salmon and sardines. eggs  and some fortified  breakfast cereals. Vitamin K is found in green leafy vegetables so increasing your intake of spinach and broccoli will boost your levels.

Calcium is also needed, and it is best from  your diet as there can be side effects from high supplement doses. Good sources include dairy products, green leafy vegetables, tofu and nuts.

Further information:

Please note that if you are on any of the biphosphonate drugs like Fosamax type then you cannot use bioidentical natural progesterone alongside them.
