Osteoporosis – A Doctor’s View

Dame Dr Shirley Bond has been treating osteoporosis with progesterone for many years and shares her view on why it is so important.


Osteoporosis is a condition that can affect men and women at any age but is more common and more of a problem for women approaching the menopause.

What is often forgotten is that bone is a living tissue and can therefore be built up and improved. All of the drugs prescribed for women with osteoporosis just slow down bone breakdown. While this is important if there is rapid breakdown, they do not build up new bone. In addition most of them have a number of unpleasant and even dangerous side effects.

Building up new bone is more important because old bone becomes brittle and more prone to fracture. Most women who have osteoporosis or osteopenia have it as a result of failing to build up enough bone when younger rather than rapid breakdown so the ability to build up new bone is important for them.

For bone to build up the body needs the right nutrients and the right hormone balance.

Most doctors just suggest calcium in high doses and vitamin D as the nutrients needed. While these are needed, on their own they will not build up new bone and the excess calcium can cause hardening of arteries, joint and kidney problems.

Among the other nutrients needed are vitamin K2, magnesium, silica and boron. The best way to obtain these nutrients is in a well balanced bone supplement from a reputable company.

Why oestrogen is not the only hormone you need

Regarding hormone balance: often you will read that the bones need oestrogen. While this is partly true in so far as oestrogen slows bone breakdown, the hormone progesterone is far more important.

Progesterone, the natural hormone, is not to be confused with the chemical progestogens or progestins, is actually the hormone that builds up new bone.

In my practice I have found that bioidentical natural progesterone combined with a good bone supplement will result in build up of bone.

The interesting thing that I have also found is that even if women still have a low bone density and have a fall they are less likely to have a fracture. I’m sure this is because the bones are building up new young supple bone rather than consisting of old brittle bone.

Helpful information:

An excellent book on osteoporosis is by the late John Lee, MD ‘What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Osteoporosis’.

Your diet and lifestyle also important, as this article discusses.


