How to Keep Your Skin Looking Good At Any Age
When you look in the mirror do you see glowing, healthy skin? If not, here’s help to achieve that.

- When skin is healthy, it’s a source of beauty and it is the choices you make every day — what you eat, where you go, how you feel –that affect how it looks.
The importance of your diet
If you want good skin then there is no doubt that changing your diet will help its appearance.
A higher intakes of vitamin C and a lower intake of fats and carbohydrates are associated with better appearance as your skin ages. Foods rich in antioxidants, such as fish, fruit and vegetables, seem to help protect skin.
If you are worried about spots and acne then some studies suggest that to avoid breakouts, go for complex carbohydrates like whole grains and pasta and healthy protein. Acne flare ups may also be linked to acne flares.
Eat your vitamins
What is important for your skin are vitamin C and E for their antioxidant properties. Eating foods rich in these vitamins, plus the mineral selenium, can help protect your skin against sun damage.
They may even help reverse signs of ageing, like wrinkles and skin discoloration.
Exercise and your skin
It benefits every part of your body, including your largest organ, the skin. Exercise improves circulation, helping nourish the skin, and the .better blood flow from exercise brings more oxygen and nutrients that may help your skin produce collagen, which staves off wrinkles.
Don’t fret about sweat because exercise will not clog your pores. Wash your face right after a workout and avoid tight headbands, which can trap sweat and irritate skin.
Beauty sleep
It is called that for a reason because lack of sleep will be reflected in your face with dark circles under the eyes, pale skin, and puffy eyes.
Getting 7-8 hours a night will keep your body and skin in top shape. It matters how you sleep, too — rest your face on the pillow in the same position for years, and you’ll get wrinkles where the skin is pressed against the pillow and .sleeping on your stomach will worsen bags under your eyes.
Solutions? Try sleeping on your back, and a silk pillowcase can help skin, and hair with its smooth surface.
Lifestyle changes to help your skin
Maintaining a glowing, healthy complexion can mean looking at other factors in your life that may be affecting its appearance.
Could limiting any of these be the way to improve of your dull or ageing skin?
1. Staying out of the sun is a major bonus to help your skin because about 90% of all skin damage is due to the sun.
As your time in the sun goes up, so does your risk of skin cancer so always wear a broad-spectrum sunblock of 30 or higher and a to shade your face.
Worst time to sunbathe is between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., when rays are strongest.
2. Cut down on a tipple as too much alcohol is bad for your skin as well as your body. It’s a diuretic so it causes the body to lose water and that can contribute to dry skin.
It also dilates blood vessels and, over time, these can become permanently damaged, so that skin stays red. Alcohol, especially red wine, can also trigger rosacea flare-ups.
3. Give up smoking because it is second only to the sun in causing premature wrinkles and dry skin.
Smoking reduces blood flow to the skin and contributes to the breakdown of collagen. Less collagen means more wrinkling. And yes, pursing your lips repeatedly encourages wrinkles, too. You can’t reverse the damage, but you can stop it by quitting smoking.
4. Remove pollution by keeping skin clean. Every day it comes in contact with pollution from cigarette smoke, car exhaust, or smoggy air.
Keep skin healthy by keeping it clean with a gentle soap or wash, or exfoliate nightly with gentle scrubs and toners to remove dead skin cells, and then apply serums and creams to nourish it.
5. Keep skin moist with a humidifier and drink plenty of water. In winter the cold and wind bring on dry, flaky skin and can make eczema and rosacea worse.
Summer means staying well moisturised with a good body cream, and always rinse off after being in the pool to get rid of any chlorine on your skin.
6. Holiday travel often means going on a plane and it doesn’t take long befoer skin to start feeling dry and tight, thanks to low humidity in the recirculated air.
Plenty of water, not coffee or alcohol, and moisturizing before, during, and after your flight will all help.
Helpful information:
As you age, your skin changes. Your body doesn’t produce as much collagen, and the elastin that allows skin to spring back into place gets weaker and you also don’t create or lose skin cells as fast.
To boost that glow, exfoliate to remove dead skin, use a nondrying soap, and moisturize often.
A good skincare routine starts with a great serum, a facial oil or moisturiser in the morning and the same in the evening. It will depend on how dry your skin is, but look at using the serum that Wellsprings have designed just for the face that combines progesterone, oestrogen and hyaluronic acid.a and combine that in the evening but with richer creams to boost skin overnight.
If you think your skin would benefit from a little more help from your diet then this article will help.