Help With Bioidentical Hormones
Information on two of the UK’s most experienced bioidentical doctors.

Although the majority of women find that they are able to assess their hormone balance based on symptoms and their severity, others do want to have a little extra help.
I have personally known and worked with the following two bioidentical doctors over many years and thought it would be helpful to share with you information on them in case you would find it helpful.
Dame Dr Shirley Bond MB BS, LRCP MRCS, FFARCS
Dr Bond is a general practitioner and was one of the very first doctors in the UK to use bioidentical hormones, including natural progesterone, to enable women of all ages to balance their hormones naturally.
She was also involved in the development of methods for diagnosing and treating osteoporosis in its early stages, before it becomes severe enough to lead to fractures.
She was honoured for her work in the field of women’s health and for her work with Tibetan refugees in the 1990’s. Alongside her own private practice, she has lectured and written extensively on the subject of natural hormones including her book with AnnA Rushton on Natural Progesterone
When Dr John Lee, the pioneer of the use of natural progesterone for women’s hormonal health, visited this country she worked closely with him and continues to treat women from all over the world.
Dr Bond offers telephone consultations on Mondays between 0930 and 12.30pm. Please telephone 0207 467 8486 to arrange a hormone consultation or osteoporosis screening. Her fees are:
£100.00 annual consultation including telephone follow ups.
£80.00 osteoporosis screening, results interpretation and advice.
Information on ultrasound screening by Harley Place Screening at
If you’d like further information please email:
Dr Tony Coope M.B; Ch.B; D.Obst.R.C.O.G.
Dr Coope has many years experience in General Practice, prior to which he spent four years as a hospital doctor, covering the specialities of medicine, surgery, paediatrics, geriatrics and emergency/trauma medicine.
He now specialises in female hormone health, from puberty to post menopause, with a particular interest, focus and experience in dealing with the many aspects of Menopause.
An introduction to psychology and psychosomatic medicine in one of the first Vocational Training Schemes for General Practice led to an interest in the role of complementary medicine in health and healing.
In the early ’90’s, having experienced the work of a multi-disciplinary clinic in India, he left general practice to explore an Integrated Medical approach including the use of nutritional supplements, bio-identical hormones, botanicals and, on a more subtle level, complex homeopathy and the use of sound and monochromatic light in healing.
Shaping his approach to health and wellbeing since then has been the ways that an understanding of spiritual matters, philosophy and metaphysics can expand an individual’s sense of meaning and purpose in the world to illuminate a path to health, wholeness and fulfilment.
Dr Coope works with patients via Zoom, email and telephone and his fees are:
£47.50 per 1/2 hour
£95.00 per hour
Dr Coope can arrange hormone testing including menopause, thyroid and adrenal stress profiles, (individual prices vary).
He can also advise on interpretation and guidance if required as to what hormone/s may then be appropriate.
If you would like further information please email: