Articles for topic: heart disease


5 Ways To Lower Blood Pressure

Many women find at menopause that their blood pressure creeps up. It may be added weight, less exercise or thyroid problems but your health will benefit by helping reduce it naturally.


Simple Tips To Reduce High Blood Pressure At Menopause

Hormone balance at menopause helps with weight loss and reducing your risk for diabetes, strokes and heart disease.


The 4 Major Risk Factors For Heart Disease In Women

A new front runner for risk has emerged and that is a lack of physical activity – greater even than being overweight – and hormone balance also has a part to play in reducing that risk at menopause.


Why Chocolate Is Good For Your Heart

Easter means chocolate, and although progesterone is heart protective you can help yourself twice over with a dark chocolate egg!


Risk Factors For Young Women Of Having A Stroke

Women have 55% more strokes than men and the rate among younger women is up by 40% due to some unique risk factors.


Post Menopause An Increased Risk of Breast Cancer With Hypertension Drugs

High blood pressure is common as we age, but long-term use may pose a problem for older women. Progesterone supports both blood pressure and breast health so supplementing may be the answer.


Natural Help For High Blood Pressure

A frequently asked question is if bioidentical natural progesterone can be used alongside hypertension medication. Yes it can, and here’s why, together with some natural help.
