10 Tiny Habits That Help You Lose Weight

Weight loss is not always easy, so if you need a little boost these tips can help.


Your diet and exercise routine are key elements, but if you are struggling with weight loss these quick tips can help.

1. Start Your Day With a Glass of Water

One or two glasses of water before breakfast can help curb your appetite, potentially leading to a smaller breakfast portion.

Staying hydrated boosts your metabolism, which helps your body burn calories more efficiently and plain water is calorie free.

2. Work Out Before Breakfast

Exercising on an empty stomach can be more effective for burning fat and doesn’t have to be strenuous. Even moderate physical activity before breakfast helps your body utilise stored fat for energy, enhancing the overall results of your workout.

Including a short daily routine can be a powerful tool for encouraging weight loss.

3. Eat a High-Protein Breakfast

A high-protein breakfast can make you feel fuller for longer, reducing the likelihood of mid-morning snacking.

Protein is more difficult for the body to store and requires more energy to digest compared to carbohydrates or fats.

Good options are eggs or a Greek yoghurt smoothie with peanut butter and berries.

4. Plan Your Meals for the Day

Taking a few minutes each morning to plan your meals can help you make healthier food choices throughout the day.

By deciding in advance what you will eat, you reduce the temptation to reach for high-calorie snacks or convenience foods.

5. Use Measuring Cups and Spoons

Accurately measuring your food can prevent unintentional overeating rather than guessing at the portion size. Keep measuring tools handy, especially for calorie-dense foods like cereal or milk.

This single habit can significantly reduce your daily calorie intake.

6. Practice Mindful Eating

When you take the time to focus on your food, appreciating its taste, texture, and aroma, you are more likely to feel satisfied with less.

Avoid distractions such as eating while watching TV or using social media during meals.

It will help you recognise when you are full, which can prevent overeating.

7. Get Some Sunlight

Exposure to natural sunlight in the morning has been linked to a lower body mass index (BMI). The NHS website has a useful chart to help you find your score according to weight, height and age.

Sunlight also helps regulate your circadian rhythms, which can improve your sleep patterns and overall metabolism. Poor sleep is linked to fatigue, and that is when you are more likely to ‘comfort eat’ so try to spend a few minutes outside each morning – and luckily it doesn’t have to be strong sunshine to stimulate your vitamin D levels as well!

8. Set Up Triggers for Healthy Habits

Positive triggers can remind you to stick to your new habits. For instance, set an alarm to remind you to drink water, or place a note on your fridge to encourage healthy snacking.

Associating your new habit with an existing routine, like drinking water each time after washing your hands for example, can make it easier to remember.

9.  Support Your New Habits

Enlist the help of friends, family, or local groups to support your weight loss journey. Sharing your goals and progress with others can provide motivation and accountability.

Try keeping an old-fashioned reward chart on the fridge and give yourself a star for each achievement. I do this frequently and just buy the ones for children as when it comes to dieting we don’t always behave like responsible adults!

Also affirmations  on the fridge like ‘You CAN Do It!’ plus positive self-talk can reinforce your commitment to new habits.

10. Check For Hormone Balance

Many women accept weight gain, bloating and belly fat as inevitable as they enter menopause but your hormones play an important part as well – particularly if they are not in balance.

Progesterone helps with menopausal weight gain and bloating, and if you have a lot of belly fat that is an indication you have too much oestrogen.

Once the ovaries cease producing oestrogen, the body shifts to deposit it as belly fat so check you are not oestrogen dominant and take steps to rebalance your hormones.

Helpful information

I hope this has helped – they won’t all apply to you but even trying just one or two can make a difference.

Not sure what hormones you may need? If you are oestrogen dominant then that can be a factor in your weight gain so this article will be helpful.

