Articles tagged with: oestrogen



Oestrogen-Boosting Foods

Many women need to avoid oestrogen because of family risk of hormonal cancer, but these foods can give you a natural, non-hormonal, boost.


Facing Up To Fibroids

Prevention is the best option, so tackling oestrogen dominance is the first step because fibroids are produced by excess oestrogen and their growth is stimulated by it.


Phytoestrogens Are Not Estrogen

Not all women are able to have oestrogen, depending upon their hormone history. However phytoestrogens are quite different.


Which Hormone To Supplement? Progesterone, Oestrogen or Both?

Hormone balance is critical for our health and wellbeing, but which hormone or hormones do you need, and how do you decide?


How Soy May Help Avoid Menopausal Weight Gain

Adding soy phytoestrogens to a regular diet may aid weight loss according to new research.
