Articles tagged with: HRT



A Doctor’s Guide To Coming Off HRT

As HRT supplies are limited, many women are looking for a natural alternative. Suddenly stopping can bring on severe symptoms so this handy guide from my colleague Dr Tony Coope tells you how to do it simply and easily.


4 Things to Know About Hormone Replacement Therapy

I always appreciate the work of Australian Naturopath Dr Lara Briden and here she explains what you need to know if you’re thinking of going on HRT.


Why Are Women Not Being Offered Natural Alternatives to HRT?

Despite safer, and effective, natural options many doctors still offer women no alternative to traditional HRT, but there are other choices that you can make.


Why Synthetic Hormones In HRT Increase Breast Cancer Risk

Oestrogen and progestogens increase the risk for women at menopause and post menopause, but bioidentical natural progesterone is beneficial to women at risk.


Increased Asthma Risk With HRT

Research in France and Denmark has shown HRT could significantly increase women’s chances of having asthma attacks severe enough to put them in hospital.


Bioidentical Hormones Work Better for Premature Ovarian Failure (POF)

This occurs when the ovaries aren’t working properly and so few, or no, hormones are being produced by the body, but women could benefit from taking bioidentical hormones.


Signs That You Might Have A Hormonal Imbalance

Women really only have two hormones to worry about. They are oestrogen and progesterone and they dominate our lives from puberty to post menopause.


Sorting Hormone Fact From Fiction

I have heard much that is positive and a lot that is negative and uninformed about bioidentical hormones. There are some common fictions that arise, so I am sharing my responses to them as they may prove helpful for you too.


Why 5 Years Is The Maximum Recommended Time For HRT

Guidelines on long term HRT use confirm increased health risks particularly for cancer, heart attack and strokes. Bioidentical hormones have no such risk and are effective for menopausal symptoms.


Why Women On HRT Should Eat More Parsley and Celery

Not just women on HRT either, because a study has found that a compound in parsley and other plant products can stop certain breast cancer tumor cells from multiplying and growing.
