Articles tagged with: blood pressure



Tips To Lower Your Blood Pressure

If your blood pressure is high, your doctor may prescribe medication but the lifestyle decisions you make each day play a key role too.


Women Have Increased Risk Of Heart Disease Younger Than Men

Menopause is a known risk for increased heart risk, but new research shows it can be an issue younger than you think.


What High Blood Pressure Can Do to Your Body

Hypertension is very common at menopause, generally related to increased weight. It is not to be taken lightly.


Can You Lower Blood Pressure Without Medication?

Menopause and high blood pressure often seem to go together, due to the increased weight that can occur at this time.


How Your Diet Can Help Lower Your Blood Pressure

At menopause high blood pressure becomes more common, for a variety of reasons, but your diet plays a part in reducing it.


3 Ways To Reduce High Blood Pressure

If you are concerned about having high blood pressure then it may be time to take a look at how you can reduce your risk factors with some natural help.


How Healthy Is Your Heart?

29 September is World Heart Day so how are you taking care of this vital organ? Women are 3 times more likely to die from heart disease than breast cancer and the risk increases at menopause.


5 Ways To Lower Blood Pressure

Many women find at menopause that their blood pressure creeps up. It may be added weight, less exercise or thyroid problems but your health will benefit by helping reduce it naturally.
