What You May Not Know About ‘Other’ Menopause Symptoms

Hot flushes, night sweats, weight gain? Yes, but here are some other lesser known symptoms.


It seems that women have some expectations about Menopause and what they might be about to experience, and certainly that is true for the more extreme symptoms such as night sweats and hot flushes.

But there are others that are just as likely that you may not have thought of and can experience.

Poor sleep and fatigue

One thing that night sweats and poor sleep, together with increased bladder problems, could certainly result in is the disruption of your sleep.

A lack of good sleep will also lead to other symptoms, one of the most common being brain fog, overall lack of energy and that feeling of generally always being tired.

Anxiety and stress

Menopause is a time of considerable change, both physically and emotionally, and many women find they are more anxious as they go through it.

Poor sleep can link in to this and make it worse as if you don’t get enough sleep that is a huge stress on all your bodily systems.

Unfortunately that leads to stress which is often a result of anxiety, and stress will definitely impact your menopause symptoms – and not for the better.

Brain fog/freeze

It doesn’t matter what you call it, the end result is the same. Your usual logical brain deserts you and it may be mild such as standing in the supermarket wondering what on earth you came there for or more worrying when you find yourself unable to remember a close friend’s name or how to get to a familiar destination.

Whatever form it takes usually it is often only temporary, but there are still things you can do to make it easier on yourself.

Good progesterone levels will help and stress/anxiety make it worse so tackling that is a good first step. Your doctor can also arrange for you to have a simple cognitive test if you are worried it may be more serious than just menopausal brain fog.

Your diet too can be important for both partners as poor nutrition will have a knock on effect and there are a number of dietary items and supplements you may find helpful to investigate.

Changes in your hair

You may notice this in different ways; for some women they first notice a lack of thickness, texture or shine but for others it is the start of menopausal hair loss.

Your hairdresser will tell you that this is very common and usually related to hormone balance, but you may need to rethink how are you deal with your hair at this time.

Kindness is the first step: no ponytails or anything that pulls hair tight with clips or bands, good hair care. Again progesterone can help with  hormonal hair loss, but hair growth is slow so it can take 3 months for you to see positive results.

Libido changes 

While some women report they have an improvement in their sex life once the fear of pregnancy at Menopause is reduced, but for others the reverse is true if they are still hoping to become pregnant.

A combination of changing hormone levels, where your oestrogen levels will be affecting your normal vaginal lubrication, and a combination of some of the other symptoms listed here such as poor sleep, fatigue and anxiety, will also contribute.

Helpful information:

These “other” symptoms of menopause are naturally enough often related to poor hormone levels. You will find a list of articles on all the topics above in the box to the right if you want more information on any specific one.

Women do need both oestrogen and progesterone in balance at menopause, but if you are not sure which hormone or hormones you need then this article can help.

