What Are Kegels, and Why Should I Do Them?

Over time our pelvic muscles can weaken, and that can mean problems for your bladder.


Kegel exercises (also called “pelvic floor exercises”) strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. These muscles support your uterus, bladder, small intestine, and rectum.

Kegels don’t just help keep them “fit” — they can help you avoid embarrassing accidents, like bladder leakage and passing wind — or even stool — by accident.

When they’re working like they should, your pelvic floor muscles may never cross your mind. But over time — as we age — these muscles can start to weaken.

This puts us at risk for a condition doctors call “pelvic organ prolapse” (POP). Basically, your pelvic organs start to droop.

They can start to fall into or out of your vagina. Sometimes, if you’ve had a hysterectomy, your vaginal tissues can start to come out of your body, too.

Risk factors for prolapse

Some of these may be obvious, but a few may surprise you.

  • Pregnancy
  • Giving birth through the vagina
  • Surgery in the pelvic area (C-section or hysterectomy)
  • Genetics
  • Frequent coughing, laughing, or sneezing (it pushes on the pelvic organs)

How do I do them?

Sit on the toilet and try to pee. Once urine starts to flow, squeeze your muscles to hold it in. You should feel the muscles inside your vagina “lift.” You just did one Kegel. Relax the muscle and do it again.

But don’t get into the habit of doing them while you pee. You can actually cause other problems, like urinary tract infections.

Start slowly. Try squeezing your pelvic floor muscles for 3 seconds, then release for 3 seconds. Do this 10 times in a row. That’s one set.

If you can’t do 10, do as many as you can and build up over time. Try to work up to one set of 10 Kegels two to three times a day.

Kegels aren’t harmful. In fact, you can make them a part of your daily routine. Do them while you’re brushing your teeth, driving to work, eating dinner, or watching TV.

How long before I see results?

Most women who do Kegels regularly see results (such as reduced urine leakage) within a few weeks or months. If you’re still concerned about your prolapse or don’t feel your symptoms are getting better, talk to your doctor.

Helpful information

It is something that many women experience whether through pregnancy or later in life that Menopause and as you would expect having good hormone balance will also play a part.

Using progesterone cream at night may help reduce the need to urinate and allow for more uninterrupted sleep. Many women are prescribed oestrogen to use vaginally as that can help improve bladder and urinary tract tissue.

Depending on your other symptoms, this could mean an oestrogen cream from your doctor together with a progesterone cream such as Serenity, or a combined progesterone and oestrogen cream such as Wellsprings 20-1.
