Top 10 Energy Boosters
There are many reasons for tiredness, but if it is persisting then these tips can help.

I don’t know about you, but practically everybody I meet these days says how tired they are. It’s almost reached the status of an epidemic and can be related to poor diet, thyroid issues or hormone imbalance.
I hope that the following tips can help you.
1. Increase your magnesium intake
Eating a balanced diet can help ensure your vitamin and mineral needs are met. But if you still find yourself too tired you could have a slight magnesium deficiency.
This mineral is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body, including breaking down glucose into energy, and so when levels are even a little low your energy can drop.
In a study done at the Department of Agriculture’s Human Nutrition Research Center in Grand Forks, ND., women with magnesium deficiencies had higher heart rates and required more oxygen to do physical tasks than they did after their magnesium levels were restored.
In essence, their bodies were working harder which, over time can leave you feeling depleted.
The recommended daily intake of magnesium is around 300 milligrams for women and 350 milligrams for men. To make sure you’re getting enough, try these suggestions:
- Add a handful of almonds, hazelnuts, or cashews to your daily diet
- Eat more whole grains, particularly bran cereal
- Eat more fish, especially halibut
2. Walk more
While it may seem as if moving about when you feel exhausted is the quickest route to feeling more exhausted, the opposite is true.
Experts say that increasing physical activity – particularly walking – increases energy. In experiments done at California State University, a brisk 10-minute walk not only increased energy, but the effects lasted up to 2 hours.
Keep it up because when the daily 10 minute walks continued for 3 weeks, overall energy levels and mood were lifted.
3. Take a power nap
Research has shown that both information overload and pushing our brains too hard can zap energy.
Studies by the National Institutes of Mental Health found that a short nap can not only reverse the mind-numbing effects of information overload, it may also help us to better retain what we have learned.
Don’t overdo it though as going beyond 30 minutes can end up making you feel foggy and disrupt your evening sleep.
4. Don’t skip breakfast – or any other meal
Studies show that those who eat breakfast report being in a better mood, and have more energy throughout the day.
Literally ‘ breaking your fast’ soon after rising supplies your body with a jolt of fuel that sets the tone for the whole day.
Studies published in Nutritional Health Journal found that missing any meal during the day led to an overall greater feeling of fatigue by night time.
5. Reduce stress and deal with anger
One of the biggest energy drains is stress which is the result of anxiety and that uses up a massive amount of our energy.
Like worry or fear, stress can leave you mentally and physically exhausted. Even low but chronic levels of stress erode energy levels, so over time, you find yourself doing less and feeling it more.
This is particularly important for women at Peri/Menopause and beyond as stress levels definitely impact in the worst possible way on any hormonal symptoms that you may have.
In much the same way, unexpressed anger can impact your energy level. Expending all our energy trying to contain our angry feelings can be exhausting.
The good news is that we can counter these energy killers by programming more relaxation activities into our day. While for many people, increasing exercise burns off the chemical effects of stress and anger, others find relief in quiet pursuits: listening to music, reading a novel, or even just talking on the phone.
As someone who always finds that strenuous exercise definitely increases my stress levels, I am in the latter camp. I have a playlist of music which I can sit quietly and listen to that helps reduce anxiety and stress.
Whatever is relaxing for you will reduce tension, and that will help increase energy.
6. Drink more water and less alcohol
You may already know that it’s easy to confuse signals of hunger with thirst (we think we need food when we really need water). But did you know that thirst can also masquerade as fatigue?
Sometimes, even slight dehydration can leave you feeling tired and lethargic, and the solution is simple: a big glass of water.
It is particularly important to boost energy after exercise, when your body is likely to be craving fluids. But, if you find yourself frequently fatigued even after a good night’s sleep, try cutting down on alcohol during the evening hours.
While alcohol initially helps you fall asleep, it also interferes with deep sleep, so you’re not getting the rest you think you are – even if you sleep a full 8 hours.
By cutting down on alcohol before bedtime, you’ll get a better night’s rest, which is bound to result in more energy the next day.
7. Eat more whole grains and less sugar
The key here is keeping blood sugar balanced so energy is constant.
When you’re eating a sweet food, you get a spike in blood sugar, which gives you an initial burst of energy, but that’s followed by a rapid drop in blood sugar, which in turn can leave you feeling very wiped out.
Do that enough times a day, and by evening you’re feeling exhausted.
However, if you eat a lot of whole grains, which provide a slow and steady release of fuel, your energy will be consistent and balanced, so you’ll feel less tired.
A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that eating more whole grains helped increase the body’s sensitivity to insulin allowing for that slow and steady release.
8. Have a power snack
Power snacking is more than just eating between meals – you need a treat that combines protein with a little fat, and some fibre.
Good ones are peanut butter on a slice of apple or a whole-wheat cracker, or some yoghurt with a handful of nuts.
The carbs offer a quick pick-me-up, the protein keeps your energy up, and the fat makes the energy last.
9. Make it a latte
Pair a quick caffeine hit with the sustaining power of protein by having a low-fat latte instead of a black coffee.
All that milk turns your coffee into a protein drink, which provides not only extra energy, but extra calcium, which is good for your bones.
10. Check your thyroid function
It certainly won’t provide an instant boost. But if you’re constantly low on energy – especially if you feel sluggish even after a good night’s rest – you should talk to your doctor about a blood test for thyroid function as well as anaemia.
Thyroid can be a particular problem for women – it often develops after childbirth and in women with very heavy periods, as well as during the perimenopause – but a simple blood test can verify if this is your problem.
If you’re diagnosed with low thyroid levels, you may need thyroid medication, and progesterone is the hormone that supports function and so if you are low in this particular hormone then supplementing can help,
If anaemia is the problem, due to heavy periods or fibroids, then this results in a reduction in red blood cells. This can mean your body isn’t getting the level of oxygen necessary to sustain energy so can you tire easily.
Helpful information:
If you are experiencing frequent bouts of tiredness then check with your doctor to see if you may have thyroid issues or are anaemic.
Stress and anxiety play a huge part here, and those always going to impact negatively on your hormonal symptoms as well so getting those back in balance can also be helpful.
Not sure which hormones you may need supplementing? This article can help.