Articles tagged with: bioidentical progesterone



7 Superpowers of Progesterone

The benefits of bioidentical hormones are acknowledged by many experts worldwide, and Lara Briden is an Australian Naturopathic Doctor who shares that view.


Osteoporosis Drugs May Increase Fractures

New research agrees with earlier FDA warnings about potential side-effects from bisphosphonate based osteoporosis drugs.


Earlier Menstruation and Menopause – Doctors Baffled!

Well not all doctors as those like Dame Dr Shirley Bond and Dr Tony Coope who are experienced in the use of natural hormones don’t find it baffling as they know there is a simple explanation – though not a widely accepted one.


Why Yam Is Not Progesterone in Disguise

If you are confused about the difference between wild yam cream and progesterone – and they really are not the same – then here’s how to end the confusion.


A New Way To Prevent Osteoporosis?

Progesterone is essential to build new bone, but you might also find it helpful to add in melatonin as research show it may make old bones stronger.


Getting Older And Staying Smart

We worry that as we age we become less able and certainly that is the accepted wisdom, but it may not be the case.


Why 5 Years Is The Maximum Recommended Time For HRT

Latest guidelines on long term HRT use confirm increased health risks particularly for cancer, heart attack and strokes.
