Articles tagged with: Alzheimer’s



Forgetfulness That Could Just Be Your Age Not Your Hormones

We are all forgetful from time to time, and as we age that can become worse, so check the signs that indicate a problem.


High blood pressure puts women at risk of dementia

A report in The Times newspaper headlined this potential health risk for women who already have high blood pressure.


3 Ways To Help Prevent Memory Loss & Dementia

Brain fog at menopause is common as hormones fluctuate, but if you are worried it may be something more serious then this may help.


The Best Diet For Your Brain

We all get confused and forgetful on occasion, and the hormone surges of menopause don’t really help. However for long-term brain health here are some simple dietary tips that help.


Alzheimer’s And Hormone Balance

Alzheimer’s is not usually related to hormone imbalance, but as the majority of sufferers are women – with numbers increasing each year – it is time look at how your hormones may affect it.
