Summer Solutions For Controlling Weight Gain

You would think it would be simpler to lose weight in summer, no heavy ‘comfort foods’ and lots of healthy fruit and salads, but there are some summer ‘treats’ that can sabotage your diet plan.


I may be over optimistic, but hopefully the sun is shining and that encourages us to hunt out our summer clothes and even a swimsuit, but it also means you want to think very carefully about any weight gain and how to lose it.

We tend to think we eat less in the summer and so must be on a good weight loss diet, but unfortunately some of the things that you most love in the summer can also be the most dangerous in terms of weight gain.

So what about these popular summer favourites?

1. Ice cream

Well this may be an all year round treat for you, but in summer we do all tend to eat more of it. Unfortunately, depending on the type, it can come with a hefty calorie price.

Would you believe a good quality ice cream has 500 calories and 25 grams of sugar which is around 6 teaspoons, plus around 7g and 5g of fat?

Try swopping to sorbet as that has no fat and usually only around 80 calories a serving, but always check the amount of sugar, which can be quite high, and go for one that has  plenty of fruit.

If you really can’t give it up, then opt for those ‘bite size’ bars that come in packs – but check the ingredients and calorie count and only eat one a day!

2. BBQ’s hidden calories

All the normal BBQ foods such as burgers and sausages are high in fat and so are the usual salads that accompany them.

If you love your potato salad and coleslaw then swap their mayonnaise for a natural yoghurt dressing for a much better option calorie wise.

If you really can’t give up your burgers go for the leanest beef possible or try minced turkey breast instead. Keep them moist by binding with an egg and some chopped onion for more flavour too.

For vegetarians a good option is portobello mushroom burgers topped with avocado, tomato, grilled onion, and a slice of cheese and there are some good vegetarian sausages available if you want to avoid the high fat meat versions.

For a healthier side salad go for cold cooked pasta mixed with tomatoes, courgette, and cooked asparagus with a tasty low calorie dressing and leave it to marinate for several hours.

3. Eating out at home and away

If you are heading off on holiday there are too many opportunities to pick up snacks on the way, whether fast food or something from convenience stores and after all you are on holiday so deserve a treat!

If you love your fast food just remember that a typical meal can equal more than 1,200 calories – more than half of what most people need for an entire day.

Why not just pack up a picnic with snacks and food for the journey? That way you control the portions, and the calories. Sandwiches, wraps, or vegetable sticks with hummus all can be eaten on the journey or when out for the day.

Careful with your drinks too, as most soft drinks will be high in sugar and calories, and if diet or low-calorie probably also have sweeteners as well.

As it’s summer why not make a thermos of iced tea made with herbal tea bags with a dash of elderflower cordial – nice and cool and healthy too.

Helpful information 

Summer can often be a difficult time at Menopause because hot flushes are certainly not helped by an increase in the temperature! Loose comfortable clothing is a must, and if weight gain is an issue too then bioidentical progesterone and Wellsprings Weight Control Capsules can also help.

If you are struggling with the flushes, make sure that your hormone balance is helping you keep them under control and this article gives you an idea of what to avoid.
