How To Reduce Menopausal Joint Pains
Nutritionist Patrick Holford has advice on how to help them the natural way – and progesterone is a key part of that.

Lately it seems to me that there are an increasing number of women who are experiencing aches and pains at Menopause, more than they might have expected.
Some of these of course can be related to the natural factors of ageing, weight gain, less exercise, or even a side-effect of some medications.
However hormone balance and nutrition are key elements in keeping your aches and pains at bay. So the following suggestions are shared from the excellent work of Nutritionist Patrick Holford who is an expert in this area.
Following the Diet for the Good Life found in my book ‘Optimum Nutrition Made Easy’ is the place to start for reducing symptoms.
Weight management, supported by a balanced diet and exercise, is key to preventing and managing joint pains. However, exercise may need to be addressed at a later stage due to pain.
What can help?
Vitamin B6 supplementation has been shown to help painful nodules on finger joints if treated early.
Vitamin B6, like all B vitamins, is best taken as part of a B complex. Vitamin B6, B3, biotin, and vitamin C, plus the minerals zinc, calcium and magnesium, all play an important role in helping essential fats create anti-inflammatory prostaglandins.
The omega-3 fat EPA has potent anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce the inflammation that contributes to joint pain.
Food intolerance may become more prevalent at the menopause and can be a cause or contributor to joint pains with wheat and dairy produce being the most common offenders.
Too much red meat and full-fat dairy produce help to create too much of a type of prostaglandin that in excess increases inflammation in the body.
Culinary herbs like turmeric and ginger, as well as red onions and olives also contain natural inflammatories.
Progesterone has anti-inflammatory properties and has an important role to play and my book ‘Say No to Arthritis’ explains everything you can do to banish joint aches and pains, including the role of supplements containing glucosamine and potent natural anti-inflammatories.
Dr John Lee, the pioneer of bioidentical progesterone usage, found with many of his patients that rubbing bioidentical progesterone cream directly on the joint or tissue that hurts was helpful.
Helpful information
Inflammation is a leading cause of joint pain at all ages and progesterone helps many, but oestrogen too is implicated and some women may need a combination cream with both hormones to help their symptoms.
If you are not sure which hormone you may need then this article can be helpful.