Articles for topic: Fertility


Risk Of Osteoporosis A New Danger For Younger Women

Thought of as an older persons problem, osteoporosis is now a threat to the younger generation and it is their diet that could be to blame.


Giving Fertility A Helping Hand

When deciding to have a family it is not always an easy or automatic process. Women need to have good levels of natural progesterone to conceive and to maintain a healthy pregnancy.


Could Your Biological Clock Be Wrong?

Wanting to start a family is dependent on many factors and women are encouraged not to leave it too late. Fertility and conception can be helped by ensuring good progesterone levels but new research may also play its part.


50% Of Postpartum Depression Mothers May Face A Long-Term Problem

For the majority of women this is thankfully short lived and restoring progesterone levels after birth is helpful but a surprisingly high proportion may be at risk of future depression.


Depression Risk Increases Four Fold With Unplanned Pregnancy

The risk of baby blues can be reduced if bioidentical natural progesterone is given to compensate for plunging levels after delivery.


The Pill – Consequences of Three Generations of Hormonal Havoc

Whether for contraception, menopause symptoms or to control heavy bleeding, women have been given artificial hormones for many years now. What is the price we have paid?
