A Mysterious Recurrence of Menopausal Symptoms

If your symptoms are returning, there are usually a couple of reasons for this, application issues are certainly one of them but so too could be overuse of soy products in your diet.


Jeffrey Dach, Md is a US bioidentical expert who has seen some problems with overuse of soy products in his practice and I wanted to pass on his concerns as they may be helpful to you.

A 55 year old post menopausal executive secretary had been doing well for many years on her bioidentical hormone program. Last week, she called the office to report her menopausal symptoms had returned. She was again feeling miserable, with recurring hot flashes, night sweats and insomnia. Mysteriously, the bioidentical hormone cream has stopped working.

I asked her if she was doing anything differently. She said “No, not really, except for the case of Soy Protein Bars from the discount store.” She had decided to go vegetarian and now consumed three soy bars a day as a protein replacement.

Shortly thereafter, the hormone cream stopped working for her.

Apparently, the soy protein bars were acting as an anti-estrogen, blocking the effect of the bioidentical hormone cream. Once she stopped the soy protein bars, the bioidentical hormone cream worked again. Her insomnia, hot flashes and night sweats were gone……

Soy Derived Isoflavones Are Anti-Estrogenic Endocrine Disrupters

Dr Mueller reported in 2004, ” Due to their anti-estrogenic potencies, the soy-derived isoflavones, coumestrol, resveratrol, and zearalenone would appear to have the potential for effectively functioning as endocrine disruptors.”

Sally Fallon and Mary Enig have warned about the health dangers of Soy consumption. Dr. Mercola, and Dr. Brownstein have warned about the health dangers of Soy.

The Objections to Soy

1) Soy contains plant hormones that can cause either an anti-estrogenic effect or a pro-estrogenic effect, depending on the circumstances.

2) Soy blocks thyroid function, causing Goiter (thyroid enlargement) and thyroid dysfunction.

3) Infant Soy formula warnings have been issued by Israel, and the U.K. advising mothers against soy baby formulas. The soy infant formulas have estrogenic effects, block thyroid function, and disrupt the immune system of babies.

4) Virtually all soy products are made from GMO, (genetically modified food) which is inherently unhealthy and should be avoided.

5) Soy is a top allergen, one of the top eight foods known to cause allergic reactions.

6) Soy has a high level of pesticide contamination.

Why Avoid Soy?

There are many concerns with soy; it contains many anti-nutrients and components that are toxic to humans. The ingestion of soy has also been linked to the development of many health issues such as breast cancer, digestive issues, hypothyroidism, infertility, thyroid cancer, and many other disorders.

There are many potential problems with soy including:

–   Soy causes many thyroid problems. It is a known goitrogen—it promotes goiter or swelling of the thyroid gland.

–   Soy inhibits the uptake of iodine, which is used by the thyroid gland in the production of thyroid hormones.

–   Soy contains phytoestrogens (plant estrogens) which may disrupt endocrine function.

–   Soy contains large amounts of phytates (including phytic acid). Phytic acid is the storage form of phosphate in plants. Research has shown that phytic acid has been found to reduce the assimilation of minerals including calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, and zinc. The fermentation process helps in neutralizing phytic acid, which is one reason why fermented soy is healthier for you.

–   Soy has also been shown to increase the body’s requirement for vitamin D.

–   It has long been recognized that soy consumption can cause vitamin B12 deficiency.

–   During the processing of soy, highly carcinogenic nitrates and a toxin called lysinoalanine are formed. Also, many soy foods often contain MSG and aluminum.

–   Most soy in the United States is genetically modified (GM) and has one of the highest percentages of pesticide contamination of any food. It is highly allergenic and is in fact one of the top eight food allergens. It is found as filler in so many foods that people with allergies may be at risk.

–   Soy contains saponins which have been show to damage the mucosal lining of the intestine or cause leaky gut and also contains oxalates which can prevent calcium absorption and have been linked to the development of kidney stones.
