7 Anti-Bloating Tips To Help Improve Weight Loss
Night time is critical to help your body lose weight, but these key factors might surprise you.

Just think how nice it would be to go to bed and sleep, knowing your body was working away to help you lose weight. Well actually it is, and if you want to help it do that even more efficiently try using these tips to help you.
Tip 1 – Reduce oestrogen dominance as oestrogen adversely affects cell membranes, resulting in sodium (salt) and water influx into cells (causing water retention) and loss of potassium and magnesium.
As progesterone is a natural diuretic it helps balance this by helping to reduce weight as excess water is expelled.
Tip 2 – Have a low salt dinner because salt stays in your system overnight, so you wake up puffier than you normally would.
A good dinner to avoid this would be steamed vegetables and a lean source of protein such as fish, turkey or tofu flavoured with herbs, not salt.
Tip 3 – Do some exercise before you go to bed and, despite what you may think, active people are more likely to say they usually get a good night’s sleep and that is essential for weight loss.
Tip 4 – Make up your lunch for the following day the night before, because if you already have prepared a healthy, low calorie, option – and who has time to do that in the morning – then you won’t wreck your diet at lunchtime.
Tip 5 – Drink lots of water because it flushes out your system, which helps you get rid of any water you’re retaining.
But make the most of this during the day to avoid lots of night time trips to the bathroom and make sure your last drink is at least one hour before bedtime.
Tip 6 – Make sure your bedroom is really dark and cool as melatonin can help your body produce more calorie-burning brown fat, according to an animal study published in Journal of Pineal Research. You can only produce melatonin in complete darkness so make sure your room is light-free to boost weight loss.
Trying to keep cool is something that comes naturally to most menopausal women, but a National Institute of Health Clinical study found that people who slept in a 66F room burned seven percent more calories than those whose bedroom was a much warmer 75F.
Tip 7 – Keep your gut healthy is key to helping reduce bloating and a good probiotic may be the answer for that.
It is known to help with bloating and best food sources are yoghurt, Kefir a fermented probiotic milk drink, Sauerkraut and Miso.
Helpful information
Bloating is not just uncomfortable, but affects how you feel about yourself. If your clothes are tight then tackling oestrogen dominance would be the first step.
If you would like more information on how your diet can help you deal with this condition this article can help: