Articles tagged with: fibroids



Identifying the Top 10 Causes of Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

At perimenopause increased bleeding can become more common as oestrogen dominance and hormone imbalance start being experienced. Knowing why it is happening, and what you can do about it, can make a lot of difference.


Facing Up To Fibroids

Prevention is the best option, so tackling oestrogen dominance is the first step because fibroids are produced by excess oestrogen and their growth is stimulated by it.


What You Need To Know About Endometriosis

Heavy bleeding can occur at any point in our hormonal life, but its important to have it investigated and find out just what is causing it.


What Does Pelvic Pain Mean And Is It Serious?

Women frequently experience pelvic pain from puberty right through to post menopause, but it helps to know just what may be causing it.


Why Sunshine And Bioidentical Progesterone Can Help With Fibroids

Bioidentical progesterone is essential to balance excess oestrogen but getting out in the sun can also help. It seems women with good levels of vitamin D are 32% less likely to develop fibroids.


What Causes Fibroids?

Tackling oestrogen dominance is vital in getting fibroids, and the excess oestrogen that causes them, under control


Fibroids Helped by Bioidentical Progesterone And Vitamin D

Vitamin D is the current ‘wonder vitamin’ and women with good levels are 32% less likely to develop fibroids.
